Category Archives: Security

How To Handle Privacy Like a Caveman

From an [article in Wired]( about the new RFID chips in US passports:

> 4) The best approach? Hammer time. Hitting the chip with a blunt, hard object should disable it. A nonworking RFID doesn’t invalidate the passport, so you can still use it.

I guess that’s what I’ll be doing if I don’t get my passport this week. I need it to get married in Canada. 🙂

*via [Richard](*

Smart Surveillance == ED 209?

> researchers at the University of Texas in Austin are hoping its smart surveillance system can lend a hand in detecting that pent-up rage. The “computer vision system” can reportedly analyze human movements as they occur, and distinguish between “friendly behaviors such as shaking hands, and aggressive actions like punching, pushing,”

> [Smart surveillance systems may soon detect violent behavior](

Although this looks really cool, I can’t help but worry that it will turn out like ED 209 in RoboCop some day.

You know, like this: